" Her work on marble takes his experimentation with the penetrating power of waves a step further: while in residence at the Bonnichon marble factory and at CRAFT-Limoges, the artist laser-cut pieces of marble, sculpting shapes and injecting colour. These are all ways of overcoming the weight of the material, splitting the unbreakable, transmuting prosaic functionality (marble was originally intended for bathrooms) into reverie. " 
Mariane de Douhet, 2023
In this series, metamorphosis - becoming an owl, becoming a ghost, etc. - is achieved by simply changing the scale of the kitchen plans. - simply by changing the scale of the kitchen floor plans. Residencies spaced out over time - from Dec. 2021 to Dec. 2022 - at Marbrerie Bonnichon and CRAFT Limoges generated stages in the taming of two powerful, embodied materials, earth and stone, domesticated respectively by the elements Fire and Water, and the human hand.